Petition for Grand Jury Investigation

Petition for Grand Jury Investigation 

To investigate the attempted assassination of
former President Donald J. Trump

In Butler County, PA on Saturday, July 13, 024

I’m posting the following everywhere I can. Everyone needs to post this everywhere until it gets done …

David Callahan

“There ought to be TWO Grand Jury investigations. One by Butler County, and one by the Third Circuit federal court of the Eastern District of PA. Why two? Because both federal and state crimes need to be investigated! Right? It isn’t appropriate to have the FBI investigate this attempted assassination because the “feds” are obviously suspects in what happened. The national government agents are possible perpetrators. This incident happened in Butler County. The people of Butler County, Pennsylvania ought to be the ones who are lawfully entitled and duty-bound to lead these investigations. That is the CONSTITUTIONALLY required way that this assassination attempt ought to be handled. We ought to rally the People of the United States to demand this be the way that this crime be investigated! What say you?”

Kelly Z. Mordecai authored this book …