Appendix D: The Legitimate Role of Modern Technology in Elections
Appendix D: The Legitimate Role of Modern Technology in Elections
Computers, machines, and all modern technology must be excluded from the official hand-count of paper ballots.
In addition to the official hand count of each paper ballot, an image of the paper ballot can be made using up to date technology, provided the paper ballot never disappears from public sight while the image is being made. Then the image can be counted by various methods, including by sending the image out over the internet. This would empower anyone in the world to do a separate ballot count of the votes in that precinct. This general idea has been dubbed, “The Brakey Method” by respected Election Integrity investigator Bev Harris of – named after Election Integrity investigator and analyst John Brakey of Arizona, who took the concept developed in Humbodlt County, CA and improved and enhanced it. This can be studied more in depth in the paper by Bev Harris “Actions – The Brakey Method” as found at the link herein and in this report (Appendix L – Ballot Handling, Counting, and Reporting.)